Rabbit Care Guide
Critter Hill

With the right care, understanding and love rabbits can make wonderful pets. They are intelligent sociable animals that can become an important part of your family. 

All the rabbits we sell need a minimum cage size of 24x24. The bigger you have space for the better. Rabbits enjoy streching their legs and running. You can use a solid bottomed cage or a wire bottom cage, such as those they sell at farm stores. If you buy a wire bottom cage you will need to make sure you buy urine guards to put on all 4 sides so the rabbit doesn't pee outside of the cage. Also look at the links below which show how to make your own Nic cage. 

Food and water

Rabbits need a constant supply of fresh water. 
We recommend you feed a diet of plain rabbit pellets and timothy/grass hay. We feed Farm and Fleet or Heinhold Rabbit Pellets. We do sell rabbit pellets and you can pick some up when you collect your bunny from us. Do not buy rabbit pellets that contain pretty colored pieces; this is just junk food for rabbits and not that healthy. Your rabbit will dig out all the good pellets to get to the junk and soon will be overweight. DO NOT FEED ALFALFA HAY. Most rabbit pellets contain Alfalfa already and that along with the hay would be too much for them. Feeding timothy hay daily helps to keep their gut flowing nicely, and prevent things such as wool block and enteritus. 


We do not feed our rabbits any treats until they are 5-6 months of age. This gives their digestive system chance to grow and develop properly. When you start to feed your rabbit treats, please do so in moderation to avoide obesity and slowly introduce small amounts of new foods, otherwise you bunny could get diorrhea. Treats we give are small pieces of  apples, carrots, bananas, rolled oats,  dandelion leaves or clover once a week. DO NOT FEED ICEBERG LETTUCE!!!! It will cause the runs. 

Toys that are safe for bunnies include: Baby Plastic Keys, Hard plastic Cat balls, Tuna cans(or another can similar size) that have been sanded or opened with a saftey can type opener and washed, Big Coffee cans again sanded and washed and both ends open are ok for smaller rabbits, Hard plastic or metal measuring cups, Wiffle Balls, Hanging Bird Toys on Rope, Golf balls, Canning rings, Pinecones (wash them and microwave to kill bugs), Metal Measuring spoons, Sterilized bottle caps from laundry detergent bottles. Keep an eye out that toys are still in good condition and sanitary.


Below are some good websites with lots more great information to help you care for your pet. Thanks to Amanda, Bunsen and Beeker for their help with this! 

Behavior and Care Guides
The Language of Lagomorphs 
Rabbits as Pets - House Rabbit Care Guide 
Introduction to CarrotCafe
Dummies::Training Your Rabbit with a Trio of Tricks 
Training Your Rabbit
 FAQ: Litter Training 
General Care Tips 
FAQs about Rabbits and Rabbit Care 
Suggested Vegetables 
Suggested Fruits 
OHS Rabbit Advocates Toxic Plants 
American Rabbit Breeders Association
Rabbit Tips, Tricks & Info Site
Getting Yellow Stains Out of White Fur 
FAQ: Should I Get a Second Rabbit 
Rabbit Pairs: Playing Matchmaker 
All in the Wonderful Game: One Chapter's Approach to Matchmaking 
Bonding Bunnies 
Love Match: A Guide to Bonding Your Rabbits 
Fast Cars and Speedy Bunny Bonding 
NIC Condo's 
Websites about NIC Condos 
Building a NIC Condo
Spaying/Neutering (From HRS Website)
FAQ: Spaying and Neutering 
Veterinary Recommendations 
Sexing rabbits
DebMark Rabbit Education Resource



Critter Hill is no longer raising rabbits. 
We are leaving this page up for informational purposes.
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